Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hiring Ad Paste

Hiring Ad Paste

"Hiring Ad Paste"

What is the deal with these spammers? Taking pictures and text from an antique dealer's website and putting ads on every possible free online classifieds. I work with this antique dealer and we are a small, 3 person business. It is probably someone that wanted something for free, free information, or something. They have no idea who we are or what we are about and they continue to do this, causing us headaches. I know I am not the only one annoyed by these morons.

Hiring Ad Paste

I sorta feel sorry for these people; well I find I have pity for many people. Selfish, insecure... people crack me up, so insecure, they need to drive a SUV, with a false sense of security, thinking because it is a big vehicle, they are safer. I bike all the time and people are so rude on the road. Told some guy I'd pull him out of his truck the other day, swearing, telling me to get out of the road. It is funny, I call people out, tell them to pull over, and they do, only a few hundred feet away, cause they're pussies. I'm glad I'm not insecure like these idiots. Would be nice to see them burn in a fire, of course then I'd feel real bad for them.